Become an RSS Company


Is your company interested in joining the RSS family of companies? We are always looking for businesses that can help us grow and improve on the services we provide our customers. If your firm has a strong reputation in its field and shares our values, it may be a good fit. For more information please contact us.


Contact us

11620 Arbor Street Suite 101
Omaha, NE 68144
(402) 965-0881



The overall acquisition process, although stressful and long, was smooth and handled with the utmost professionalism. Mike Johnson was incredibly friendly and guided me through the process, making everything less complicated. Now 2 years post sale everything I was told to expect has come to fruition or is in the process of being completed. I would say the biggest take away I have from my time working with Road Safety Services is all of the knowledge I have gained. I have learned as much in the past two years as my first 14 years in business from the great team that RSS has assembled.
— Travis Mullen - Mullen’s Markings, Inc.

When I made the decision to sell my business, it was important to me to find a buyer who shared my values and would take what I had built and make it better.  Price is always an important part of a seller’s decision, but for me, finding a group who would take care of my team was just as important.  I spent years building a company that stood for quality, integrity, and an employee-first culture.  I didn’t want Sir Lines-A-Lot to go to just any buyer.  

Road Safety Services (RSS), backed by Parallel 49 (P49) Private Equity, was the group that I decided to sell to and partner with. I can honestly say I am very happy with how it all went. I sold the company in late 2017 with the plan of exiting the industry. Fast forward 6 months and I get a call from RSS asking if I would be interested in coming back as a consultant to help with acquisitions and growth. Since I had heard a lot of great things about RSS from my former employees, I decided to jump back into the industry and help. That was 2 years ago and I am happy to say I am still on board lending a hand as an Operating Partner. One of my roles is to get out and vet potential acquisitions, a role I truly enjoy because it affords me the opportunity to meet other striping business owners who are in the same situation I was in just a few years ago.  

While I didn’t envision working with RSS when I sold Sir Lines-A-Lot, I can honestly say I am glad to be part of a team committed to the same values I had when I built my company. It’s been a fun journey so far and I look forward to what the future brings for RSS.
— Lee Gregory - Sir Lines-A-Lot

There is a lot to consider when transitioning a business. One thing that struck me while going through diligence, was the emphasis RSS put on staying true to their word. I’m two years post close and can say this sentiment was carried on during the buying process and after the transaction was complete. I built my company on integrity and follow-through. It was important to me that these values continue with the business.
— Frank Yager - K&G Striping